Coach Zion teaching students how to swim

Empowering Dreams: Swimming Skills at Dream Academy

In the last two weeks of June, Coach Zion from Champion’s Coaching, Inc. teamed up with our senior swimmer, Judah Hall, to make a splash at Dream Academy. Together, they worked with students to impart essential swimming skills, fostering confidence and water safety awareness.

The Dream Academy

Dream Academy is an academic and professional enrichment initiative catering to students in grades 4 through 12. Their mission? To create a nurturing and supportive environment where young minds can identify, cultivate, and actualize their aspirations. As part of their holistic approach to education, Dream Academy hosts a two-week “healthy living” session, inviting volunteers to share their expertise.

Diving into Success

During this session, Coach Zion introduced Dream Academy students to the world of swimming. Here’s what they accomplished:

  1. Mastering the Strokes: Participants learned all four swimming strokes—freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. Whether they were beginners or had some experience, everyone had a chance to refine their technique.
  2. Conquering Fears: Some students faced their fears head-on by diving off the blocks. It’s incredible how overcoming water-related anxieties can empower young swimmers!
  3. Turning the Tide: Students also practiced turns, an essential skill for efficient swimming. From flip turns to open turns, they gained confidence in navigating the water.

Mission Possible

The impact of these sessions extended beyond the pool. By teaching swimming skills, Coach Zion and Judah not only promoted physical health but also focused on instilling our mission: water safety awareness. These life-saving skills can make a difference in emergencies, especially for communities that may not have easy access to swimming facilities.

Looking Ahead

Champion’s Coaching, Inc. is honored to collaborate with Dream Academy. We’re excited to continue sharing our knowledge and passion for swimming with these bright young minds. As the ripples spread, we hope to inspire more dreams and create a generation of confident, water-loving individuals.

In continuing with our mission – if you or anyone that you know are interested in our water safety programs or joining our competitive swim team, please reach out. We’ll be happy to hear from you!


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